Launching the Artificial Intelligence Training Course
  • 15 December 2020
  • General

As our world is developing more and more with the striking speed in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and since it has become an invaluable and huge part of our lives, iPark.Land in cooperation with 10X project team found implementing an AI training course extremely important. The course was designed to develop the skills of a group of IT and Engineering graduates in this field and enable them that to find solutions to some of the challenges we face here in Palestine using artificial intelligence. Innovative solutions and ideas with great potential can later be transformed into start-ups. The training was given between 15 December 2020- 1 March 2020 online via Zoom to thirty trainees by the CEO and international trainer and advisor Dr. Rami Shaheen. As to the course outline, the trainees received training in both RapidMiner and IAIDL.